
These Vast Lands of Winter Snows


As I walk across the vast lands in these calm winter snows,
Through her honeyed heart she connects to mine,
Her hands engulfing me, as she would her own child,
I feel the overwhelming tender love of her spirit,
Her compassion, her effulgent essence, beautiful mother.

As I look at her face, I see tears in her eyes,
And I feel the intense pain of the sorrows on her soul,
For in these vast free lands of chilling winter snows,
Her children have cruelly been playing wicked sport,
There is blood on the tracks, of these happening winter snows.

In these centuries of numerous busy winter snows,
Blow the winds of treachery, in the changing sands of time,
The past is terrible, exceedingly sad, and appalling,
For the children coldly conspired, killed, and murdered,
In the winters, in these vast lands of endless winter snows.

The mother whispers her enchanting thoughts in my ears,
She says “My son, let love flow freely on my incorruptible snows”,
For her soul is pure and white, like her perfect winter snows,
And in these vast open lands of the sacred winter snows,
Her radiant eternal mystical spirit remains ever fragrant.

The gentle breeze sweetly whispers in my ears,
Dawns a new era on these lands of lively winter snows,
Now the people sing a beautiful melodious song,
Of kindness, knowledge, freedom, love, and compassion,
Happiness flows on these magnificent spiritual winter snows.

Let the marks on these tracks, on these vast lands of snow,
Be lost and scattered, in the endless dots of time,
And new paths be formed on these vibrant winter snows,
Where the past erased of these gruesome sorrows,
The future in a gentle brilliant light softly glows.

And I see you smiling, my enchanting mother Russia,
As you see this splendid picture on your snows,
Transformed your children will be sparkling bright in this future,
Knowledge & compassion will make these lands forever sublime,
I bow to you exalted divine mother, of these vast lands of winter snows.


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