
Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil


There are two types of Flaxseed namely the Brown variety and the golden Flaxseed. Flaxseeds are called Alsi in Hindi. Usually the brown variety of flaxseed is available in India.
Flaxseeds contain three main components that are particularly helpful to health. These are a) Omega 3 essential fatty acids, b) Lignans which have plant estrogen & antioxidant qualities and c) Fiber-both soluble and insoluble types. Flaxseeds are beneficial to almost every system in our body which includes Immune System, Cardiovascular System, Circulatory system, Nervous system, Digestive-Excretory system and Reproductive system. Their natural properties offer numerous health benefits that make them a great food. However, Flaxseed powder may tend to act as a laxative especially in large quantities and is more suitable for people suffering from constipation. It is very tasty and has no side effects but if taken in large quantities will cause one to visit the toilet numerous times. Flaxseed powder also becomes rancid in 2-3 months but whole Flaxseeds can be kept for long periods.

For most, it is advisable to take it in Oil form as a caplet especially if one wants to take it regularly as a health supplement. It is particularly good for lowering cholesterol and will do so when taken regularly over a period of time. For those with high cholesterol in the lower range, it can successfully replace Statin drugs especially when using low dosages of Statin drugs, however such a change should be monitored and if needed supervised by a doctor or a Herbal/Ayurvedic health practitioner. The Flaxseed oil used should be very good quality for human consumption.
Flaxseed is available in the markets in seed and powder form. Flaxseed oil is available in oil form in bottles and in Caplet form by numerous manufacturers.
Here is a list of their numerous health benefits of Flaxseed Oil:

  1. Boosts the Immune System.
  2. Lowers Cholesterol.
  3. Reduces High Blood Pressure.
  4. Helps reduce Atherosclerotic plaque buildup by upto 75%.
  5. Considered useful in treating Arrhythmia.
  6. Has high content of Omega 3 essential fatty acid.
  7. It is good for the Brain and for Memory.
  8. Helps combat depression.
  9. Increases Metabolic rate thus reducing weight.
  10. Reduces Body fat hence helps fight obesity.
  11. Has antioxidant activity.
  12. Helps relieve Premenstrual symptoms due to plant estrogen content.
  13. Helps relieve Menopause and hot flashes.
  14. Helps control Blood Sugar levels.
  15. Helps Kidneys excrete water and sodium.
  16. Acts as a laxative.
  17. Eases inflammatory conditions.
  18. Helps prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  19. Helps in healing sprains and bruises.
  20. Reduces muscle soreness.
  21. Flax seed is a rich source of Vitamin E.
  22. Improves healing of skin.
  23. Keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized.
  24. Alleviates skin problems such as Acne, Eczema, Dry Skin, Psoriasis, etc.
  25. Helps in treating Dandruff.
  26. It provides nourishment to hair roots, shaft and scalp.
  27. Helps control hair breakage and split ends.
  28. Helps prevent premature graying of hair.
  29. Helps prevent (delays) male baldness.
  30. Increases energy and vitality.
  31. Enhances physical and mental performance.
  32. Regular use of Flaxseed oil helps reduce liver disease risk factors.
  33. Helps reduce inflammation in Parkinson's disease and Asthma.
  34. Considered to protect against Skin, Colon cancer as well as hormone sensitive cancers like Breast cancer and Prostate cancer.
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