

Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna) ; Bark of the tree is used.


Available in the markets as Arjunarishta in liquid form, in the form of a  powder, and extract in capsule form.

  1. Improves functioning of the heart.
  2. For lowering Blood Pressure
  3. Used in Hypertension, Heart attack, Myocardial Infarction, Angina, Coronary artery disease.
  4. Helps in lowering cholesterol levels substantially.
  5. As a supplement and preventive in Ischemic heart disease (reduced blood supply to the heart).
  6. Has prostaglandin enhancing and coronary threat modulating properties.
  7. For lowering Hypertriglycerides in blood, Arjun enhances the taking away of cholesterol by accelerating the turnover of LDL or low density lipoprotein cholesterol in the liver.
  8. Arjun lowers beta-lipoprotein lipids and revives the High Density Lipoprotein mechanism in hyperlipidemia and in hypercholesterolemia.
  9. Promotes effective cardiac performance by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  10. Strengthen the heart Muscles.
  11. Helps reduce hardening of the arteries that could lead to atherosclerosis.
  12. Benefits by helping reverse the impaired function of the endothelium of smokers that could lead to atherosclerosis.
  13. Reduces the effects of stress and nervousness on the heart.
  14. After Heart attack regular use of Arjun decreases the chances of another attack.
  15. Traditionally, use of Arjun for heart disease, is recommended, to be prepared with milk, according to the Ksheer pak vidhi.
  16. Possesses diuretic properties and has a general tonic outcome in cases of liver cirrhosis.
  17. Has an anti-oxidant effect.
  18. Used in treating cough and chest related problems.
  19. For treating poisoning and scorpion poison.
  20. Reduces Kapha and Pitta.
  21. It is used in Ulcers and bone fractures externally.
  22. Works like an anti-viral and prevents HSV-2. Also purported to be used in AIDS.
  23. A substance Causrinin in Arjun helps prevent breastcancer. The anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic effects of Arjun are being researched.
  24. In my experience tends to aggravate Hyperacidity. (It was given in Capsule form for bloodpressure, twice a day to a patient who had a long standing hyperacidity problem which became extremely aggravated after 15 days of use.)

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