



Uses and Health Benefits of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis  and Arthrospira maxima):  Spirulina is available in the markets in powder, in tablet, in capsule and sparingly in fresh form. One should drink plenty of water while taking Spirulina.

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Helping fight viral infections such as Flu, herpes.
  3. Encourages weight loss.
  4. Helps in improving the Stamina and boosts energy levels.
  5. High in protein content and helps build muscle.
  6. High in Beta-Carotene which is a precursor to Vitamin A.
  7. Anti-aging aid.
  8. High in vitamin and mineral content.
  9. Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6. Has a high content of Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA). GLA has an anti-inflammatory effect and is known to promote healthy skin and hair.
  10. Counteracts toxins in the body.
  11. Helps in removing toxic metals such as lead and mercury from the body including from the liver.
  12. Helps purify the liver.
  13. Helps in treating Non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  14. Prevents build up of triglycerides in the liver.
  15. Prevents inflammation of the liver.
  16. Inhibits lipid peroxidation.
  17. Increases the quantity of good intestinal flora (pro-biotic).
  18. It is rich in anti-oxidants and helps fight free radicals.
  19. It is a powerful alkali food and helps reduce acidity.
  20. Increases mental alertness.
  21. Helps improve memory.
  22. Helps balance brain chemistry by promoting functioning of neurotransmitters.
  23. Helps treat cerebrovascular disease.
  24. Lowers blood cholesterol & excess triglycerides and hence reduces high blood pressure.
  25. Helps treat cardiovascular disease.
  26. Very rich in Iron that is easily absorbed by the body, thus helps in anaemia.
  27. Enhances ability to generate new blood cells.
  28. Improves blood sugar problems by reducing blood sugar and hence helps in Diabetes.
  29. Strengthens the nervous system and has a neuroprotective effect.
  30. Helps in Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  31. Improves healing of wounds.
  32. Reduces inflammation.
  33. Reduces pain sensitivity.
  34. Used to treat malnutrition especially in children.
  35. Used in treating radiation sickness.
  36. Helps in fighting cancer, especially oral cancer.
  37. Improves pulmonary function.
  38. Helps manage bronchial asthma.
  39. Helps in reducing allergies.
  40. Helps in reducing stress.
  41. Helps support eye health and reduces the rate of degeneration of macula.
  42. Considered to help in preventing HIV infections.
  43. It has a synergistic effect on the body.
  44. Helps reduce rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder, while most opinions and articles point to the fact that Spirulina should be avoided in cases of autoimmune diseases however one case study from the Dept. Of Home Science, Women's Christian college, Chennai, India indicates otherwise. One old lady with longstanding RA took Spirulina with positive results; within 10 days there was reduction in swelling, less pain and relative ease in bending the knees.


  1. Generally start with small doses up to 500mg per day to understand the tolerance and reaction of your body. Recommended dosage is 500 mg per day. Consult a Doctor if needed. Body Builders have been known to take up to 30 grams per day. For the average person 500 mg to 5 gms per day would be enough. Slimmer's have used up to 8 grams per day. 500mgs to 1 gm per day is a reasonable dose.
  2. Sometimes the Spirulina becomes contaminated by other blue green algae called Microcystis aeruginosa that produces compounds called microcystins that are toxic and cause liver damage; generally being the usual cause of most negative reactions and side effects that are attributed to Spirulina.
  3. It sometimes causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases anxiety and insomnia (usually due to impure quality).
  4. Some people may have allergic reactions causing rashes, or hives (usually due to impure quality).
  5. Anybody with an autoimmune disease such as Lupus or multiple sclerosis or any other autoimmune condition should take care while using it. There have been known cases of flare ups with such patients. Medical advice should be taken, if needed.
  6. Patients of Phenylketonuria should not take Spirulina as it contains phenylalanine.
  7. Patients with reduced Kidney function should be careful. Sometimes they may get oedema.
  8. Persons with fever should not take Spirulina as it elevates body temperature a little bit.
  9. High doses of Spirulina may sometimes produce gas, constipation and mild abdominal discomfort.
  10. Spirulina is able to absorb heavy metals thereby contaminated spirulina will produce negative effects. Make sure to buy good quality Spirulina only.
  11. Though there is a high quantity of B-12 in Spirulina but it is of no use to the human body as it considered that the B-12 is in a form that is not absorbed by our body.

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